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sábado, 16 de dezembro de 2023

O edema macular diabético (EDM) é uma consequência grave da retinopatia diabética,



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👀 O edema macular diabético (EDM) é uma consequência grave da retinopatia diabética, doença ocular provocada pelo diabetes descontrolado.
👁️‍🗨️ Trata-se de um acúmulo de líquido na mácula, parte central da retina e responsável por levar as informações do que vemos ao cérebro.
🕶️ No início, não costuma apresentar sintomas. Com o passar do tempo, porém, a visão pode sofrer com distorções e borrões, até mesmo evoluindo para a cegueira irreversível.
🥼 Por isso, se é ou conhece alguma pessoa diabética, lembre de incluir consultas regulares com o(a) oftalmologista na rotina.
🔎 O EDM pode ser tratado quando diagnosticado precocemente, preservando a qualidade da visão, saúde e bem-estar do paciente. 
 Pode ser uma imagem de 1 pessoa, óculos e texto que diz "Edema macular diab diabético pode levar à cegueira irreversível Saiba mais na legenda desse post BR-ABBV-230339Out/23 BR-ABBV-230339"
1. Ministério da Saúde. Consulta em 15/08/2023. Disponível em: https://www.gov.br/.../20200922_resoc202_ranibizumabe_emd...
2. Allergan, Inc. CSR 206207-009 (6-month report – dated 17Nov08; 12-month report – dated 23Nov09): A SixMonth, Phase 3, Multicenter, Masked, Randomized, Sham-Controlled Trial (with Six-Month Open-Label Extension) to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of 700 μg and 350 μg Dexamethasone Posterior Segment Drug Delivery System (DEX PS DDS) Applicator System in the Treatment of Patients with Macular Edema Following Central Retinal Vein Occlusion or Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion.
3. Allergan, Inc. CSR 206207-008 (6-month report – dated 20Nov08; 12-month report – dated 23Nov09): A SixMonth, Phase 3, Multicenter, Masked, Randomized, Sham-Controlled Trial (with Six-Month Open-Label Extension) to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of 700 μg and 350 μg Dexamethasone Posterior Segment Drug Delivery System (DEX PS DDS) Applicator System in the Treatment of Patients with Macular Edema Following Central Retinal Vein Occlusion or Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion.
4. Allergan, Inc. CSR 206207-014 (dated 22Sep09): An 8-Week, Multicenter, Masked, Randomized Trial (with an 18-Week Masked Extension) to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of 700 μg and 350 μg Dexamethasone Posterior Segment Drug Delivery System (DEX PS DDS) Applicator System Compared with Sham DEX PS DDS Applicator System in the Treatment of Non-Infectious Ocular Inflammation of the Posterior Segment in Patients with Intermediate or Posterior Uveitis.
5. Allergan, Inc. CSR 206207-010 (dated 20May13): A 3-Year, Phase 3, Multicenter, Masked, Randomized, ShamControlled Trial to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of 700 μg and 350 μg Dexamethasone Posterior Segment Drug Delivery System (DEX PS DDS) Applicator System in the Treatment of Patients with Diabetic Macular Edema.
6. Allergan, Inc. CSR 206207-011 (dated 20May13): A 3-Year, Phase 3, Multicenter, Masked, Randomized, ShamControlled Trial to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of 700 μg and 350 μg Dexamethasone Posterior Segment Drug Delivery System (DEX PS DDS) Applicator System in the Treatment of Patients with Diabetic Macular Edema.





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obs. conteúdo meramente informativo procure seu médico




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